After what seemed like a never-ending blast of winter, spring finally peaked her warm, welcoming head out from under the snow this weekend. The sun shone through, melting away layers of snow and ice.
Joey and I spent a good portion of Saturday and Sunday strolling down random streets. Lila frolicked in the fields. Life was good.
Cut to Monday morning. After begrudingly readying myself for work, I leashed Lila. We stepped outside. The wind blew its sharp icy breath and in the distance I saw ....
THE WEATHERGEESE! (If you have no idea what weathergeese are, read this first.)
"WHAT?" I asked, shouting at no one in particular. "You aren't supposed to be back." I said to the geese, oblivious to the glances of other work-bound neighbors.
"No, no, no. It's supposed to be spring. Why are you back?" If I was my neighbor, I would avoid me. They probably all think, "There's that crazy girl talking to the geese."
Lila glanced at the geese, confused as to why I sounded upset. As we closed in on the geese, two soldier geese cried the alarm.
Lila LIKED the honks. She ran towards the geese with full speed. The soldier geese honked faster, wings flapping. Halfway towards the geese, Lila stopped dead in her tracks and went to the bathroom instead.
After she finished, she walked away from both the geese and myself as if she were too cool for school.
A soldier goose eyed Lila. When she was finally a safe distance away, he let out a honk which I interpreted as, "What just happened?"
I looked at the goose and shrugged. I too couldn't explain Lila's bizarre actions.
After leashing Lila and returning her to the apartment, I went off to work.
I returned from work expecting to see the field filled with geese, preparing for a winter storm.
Instead, I saw this -
This is a picture of approximately 25 ROBINS. To the right of this was another group of an additional 25 robins for a grand total of 50 ROBINS!
Um, what?
What happened to my weather geese? Were these the new spring weather robins?
Was there an EPIC BATTLE between geese and robins? The victor laying claim to the next months' weather?
OR have my weathergeese turned INTO springweatherrobins?
Ok, realistically, I know the geese haven't morphed into these tiny, red-breasted birds. Yet still, a small, teeny tiny, eensy, weensy part of me thinks, "what if the very soldier goose I saw this morning is still on the field, tiny and less intimidating?"
No one is scared of a robin.
Am I now left to predict weather solely on the migratory pattern of birds?
Tuesday morning, I planned to greet my springweatherrobins, but instead laid eyes on an empty field. No geese, no robins.
"Oh well," I thought to myself. "They must have moved on."
Tuesday afternoon after returning from work, I made my way to the apartment. In the distance, I heard a noise. I glanced towards the fields on to be greeted by THE WEATHERGEESE!
I bet you thought they were gone. NOPE! Apparently, the robins and geese are sharing custody of the fields. Neither of them likes the other, so they schedule their field time accordingly.
Although, rather than the usual 50 weathergeese, only 10 showed up. So maybe they knew a small snow was on it's way.
As I made my way inside, I called out to the weathergeese, "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME! What am I supposed to do? IS THIS A SIGN? WHAT DO YOU - Oh hey RayRay - I waved at him- I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!"
In case you were wondering, RayRay is my neighbor. He already knows I am crazy so I don't think he was even slightly phased by my outcry.
I really don't know. Are they trying to send me a message? Am I supposed to interpret their presence as something more than just the weather? I don't know. Will I ever see the robins again? I don't know. What is it about my neighborhood that makes it THE place to be if you're a bird? I DON'T KNOW!
Thank goodness I took pictures. Each time I asked Joey if he saw the geese or robins on the field, he said he didn't know what I was talking about - there wasn't anything on the field. I AM NOT THIS CRAZY!
I think the weathergeese are trying to hold out with the last of winter while the weatherrobins are cheering on spring. If this is the case, GO SPRINGWEATHERROBINS! Weathergeese, I love you, but I am finished with this snow.
Point of the Story: Bring on the sunshine! I am ready for spring. Let's go SPRINGWEATHERROBINS! ....And hey to RayRay.
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